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Leopard Gecko and maybe sick meal worms

22 14:01:00

Hi.  My leopard gecko eats mostly meal worms (crickets every other week) that I feed with cricket feed and carrots for about a day beforehand.  I noticed today that the cricket feed has gone bad (ammonia smell).  As my son has been feeding the worms and consequently the gecko, he didn't notice the smell, so I don't know how long he has been eating these potentially contaminated worms.  It can't have been more than 2-3 days.  Is there anything in particular I should be looking for that would be a sign that he is sick?  I am hoping that if the worms ate the bad feed, then they would die, in which case we wouldn't feed them to the gecko.  Thanks for any insight - the leopard mother in me is worried about my new little baby.

Hello Sandra,

Well that is too bad the feed went bad.  It normally doesn't go bad like that, but did it get wet?  Getting wet will promote mold & that can make it go bad.  
If your leopard gecko begins to get lethargic, stops eating, or has a change in his stools then that would be cause for concern that he may be affected from the bad feed that the mealworms ate.  
I would however, feed them 24/7.  Just leave them on the bedding all of the time so they are constantly gutloaded.  They like to burrow in the bedding anyway.  Just be sure to chop up apples, potatoes or carrots to put in the feed for moisture for them.
