Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > baby beardeddragon legs lock up

baby beardeddragon legs lock up

22 14:28:15

hi. when i put some crickets in my baby bearded dragons tank for him to eat, he seemed to chance after them a little then had problems moving his right back leg and then the other back, they seemed to lock up. when i picked him up the seem to be fine , but wen i turned him so i could see the bottom of his legs they were twitching and locked up agn. can any 1 maybe tell me what happen?...ty

Hi Crysta, it sounds like a case of MBD Metabolic Bone Disease. It can be fatal so check him into a vet to get proper diagnosis. It is not something that can be ignored so if this is what it is then you dont want to put it off.

Other then that I am not sure what can be happening.

Sorry, I am not a vet

Good luck