Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Leopard gecko has stopped eating

Leopard gecko has stopped eating

22 14:59:33



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Question -
I am very deperate for an answer. I don't know what could be wrong with my leopard geck because it has stopped eating and I think even drinking water. She is getting very skinny and I have no idea what to do. I am afraid she may die if I don't get help!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

Answer -
Hi Taylor,

i need you to feel his stomach area to feel for swelling and or hardness , as this may be a sign of impaction, also let me know what substrate(ground cover ) you are using.also get to the pet store or online and order an appatite stimulant, ZOO_MEDS makes a couple that are very good loaded with b-12 to stimulate hunger as well as vitamins and minerals to help boost the imune system. get back to me asap about tummy and substrate.

         thanks for the questions i will get RIGHT back to you


My gecko's stomach does not feel hard and is definately not swollen. I am not exactly sure what type of substrate i use. Also, she has only been this way since her last shedding of her skin. she was fine before she last shed. I'm just worried about her and desparately want help!

Hi Taylor,

substrate would be the ground cover i.e. sand vermiculite, newspaper..ect.for sure get the appitite stimulant, and also try soaking her in a bowl of warm NOT HOT water,if this doesnt help her to eat then u need to get her to vet to be checked out for impaction, and any signs of bacterial or viral infection.impaction is no joke and needs to be handled by a vet.

         hope this was helpful.
