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About my Anolei Lizard

22 14:29:21

I wanted to know if my Anolei Lizard carries the Salomenela virus because a friend said that all reptiles carry it and I have a little 2 year old girl who handles, or should I say pets him and I am a very nervous person when it comes to health concerns and I am worried about the safty of her and my family. Can you please get back to me about this concern of mine. Thank you.

Hello Heather,

Anole lizards like all other reptiles carry Salmonella however you shouldnt be afraid of it.

Lets go over some Salmonella facts

1) You are more likely to get Salmonella from a toilet seat, a kitchen sink, or undercooked food then you are from a reptile

2) Washing your hands before and after touching a reptile or a reptiles enclosure with warm water and antibacterial soap will take care of any Salmonella bacteria

3) Salmonella is the actuall term for "The 24 Hour-Flu" and another term for "The Stomach Bug" It is usually only harmful if you have a week immune system are young or elderly.

It is a disease you will want to avoid but usually goes away soon with little damage. But safety is always first so wash your hands well.

Another thing is that the reptile doesn't carry Salmonella, the reptile's feces does. If the cage is cleaned often and well then it will also limit the chance of spreading. Chicken is another animal that carries salmonella, the same reason you wash your hands after working with Raw Chicken.

Good luck