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Is my beardie alright?

22 13:26:48

So this just started about a day ago and I have had him all of his life, i got him back in may. So yesterday morning i woke up just like normal, turned his light on. But I wanted him to start walking around my room instead of just this tank, at first he was just walking around and it was alright, tried it again the next day he stayed right next to me, yesterday i tried it and he ran around my room and went under my couch, it took me about 10 minutes to catch him, he kept puffing up and getting defensive so i left him alone for a bit, then last night he was all calm, and now i just picked him up again and now hes back to being afraid. What can I do to make him like me again? This has NEVER happened before. Also I have now tried to hand feed him which caused his beard to turn black, I have no idea what the heck his problem is.

Hi Darrius,
So, I'm guessing your beardie is about a year old now. Sounds like he is starting to try and act like he is the boss around town!!  They do tend to go through what can be deemed as the teenage years..and he is the right age for it.  Just be sure to not allow him to get away with not wanting to be held..Hold him until he stops putting up the fight and then put him down. They can be very trying when they act like patient with him and all will work out in a short time.
Other reasons is that it is coming up on breeding time for the monsters and coupled with his age, he can be one big raging hormone!  Staying close to you, if he isn't used to your room, etc is a security issue..he knows you are a safety zone for him.
Sooo, you see, we get to play guessing games as to what his major problem is..the hard part is trying to decide which one, or if it is a combination of all of the above.
He hasn't stopped liking you..he is just testing you to see if he can be alpha over you but we both know that isn't going to be the case..again, be patient but firm and if you feel you need to wear a thin pair of gloves to handle him, go right ahead..beardie bites can hurt!