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about my chameleon

22 14:10:18

i want to know if i am right i am getting my chameleon sunday and i have all the stuff he needs to live in his new inviroment a heat lamp bark ect. my dad thinks no you dont have to have that whatever you do am i right?

Hi Ashton, Reptiles are very different from other types of pets. Their survival depends on you re-creating,( as closely as you can) their natural environment. They regulate their body temperature from the heat of the sun so a suitable heat source for your species is critical or they simply cannot survive. None of their bodily functions like digestion or their immune system will function without an external heat source. They also depend on the ultraviolet rays B of the sun so a UVB emitting bulb is also recommended. Chameleons in the wild drink water droplets that have gathered on leaves. They do not come down to the ground to drink from standing water like puddles or ponds and also will not drink from a bowl in captivity. You will need to spray him daily or set up a drip system so that he can drink.

Chameleons are also very shy animals and can become easily stressed if they feel they are out in the open or handled too much. Make sure his cage has lots of leaves and branches that he can hide in and feel secure, just as he would do in the wild. Try to keep handling him to a minimun especially during the first couple weeks when he is adjusting to his new environment.He may not eat very well for several days until he feels more comfortable in his new home.

Chameleons are not domesticated animals like cats and dogs that have adjusted to living in our environment. They are wild animals that are bred in captivity and they still have their natural instincts, fear of predators etc that a wild animal would have. If you can appreciate and respect that aspect of your new pet then he will have a much easier time adjusting to living in the artificial environment that you have created for him and you should be able to enjoy him for several years.

You mentioned that you have bark mulch. I would actually recommend that you not use it but rather use something like reptile carpet instead or nothing at all. Chameleons can easily pick up pieces of bark accidently with their tongues when they are hunting and this has often led to intestinal blockages for them. It is safer for them to not use any type of loose substrate.