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bearded dragon egg laying

22 14:26:06

hello i adopted a bearded dragon who is 3 years old who has metabolic bone disease from the last owners not giving him his supplements. i just checked the sex on her and found out "he" is really a she lol. i was wondering how often she would lay eggs or will she at all with this problem she has. she just had her first shedding but with me thinking she was a male this whole time i never thought about it till i bought her a mate and needed to make sure of her sex. i have had her for over a month and the pet store i bought her from had her for 3 months trying to treat her ailment and they never saw any eggs either. i have always had male lizard of all different types but this is my first dragon and first female. and is concerned with her having so many bone problems. she is unable to walk right with her limbs still very soft and shes is on dally liquid calcium as well as i take her into the sun for 45 mins a day. if u can please help me with this it would be great! thank u ever so much

Hello Xiola,

Oh no a female bearded dragon with metabolic bone disease who has laid eggs?  Poor girl.
Do you have a UVB light for her?  She absolutely needs to have one in order to absorb her calcium properly, ok?  The best one is the Reptisun 10 UVB tube flourescent light.  Or, if your tank is at least a 40 gallon, you can get a mercury vapor lamp such as the Megaray or the T-rex Active UV heat.  
Make sure & give her some extra calcium for a bit, & some extra fluids & food too.
She should not lay too many more I would figure.  They can lay several infertile clutches per year.  Are you sure they were infertile or was she mated prior to you getting her?
Actually, with her being so bad right now, I would recommend getting a Megaray from:
Get the 100 watt Self Ballast light, ok?  She will have a great chance of recovery in conjunction with the liquid calcium daily.  
Plus, the sunlight is extremely helpful, too.  
How much liquid calcium are you giving?  She should get 1mg/kg which is not tons, but a decent amount.
What are your temps in the tank, do you measure them with a digital probe or a temp gun?  What type of basking light do you use?

Let me know how she is doing.
