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growth on lepeard gecko

22 14:35:22

I am caring for my son's gecko and have had her for about 1 week. My son took her to a vet because of a growth on the side of her head. It was back of the jaw and eye. The vet told him to apply hot compresses which I did twice a day. I also gave her Repta Aid with chicken (baby food) diluted in.

Today the skin covering on the growth split revealing a hard white growth -cartilage-like. It came out very easily but was extremely large and part of it had grown behind her eye. I clean the wound with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and applied a triple antibiotic. Could you tell me what this might be and what I should do? I have worked with snakes and reptiles before but have never seen this. Thank you

 It would be very hard to say what it might be just from a short description.  If you kept the growth in a little clean water, you could have had the mass biopsied to get a definitive result. Chances are, since it popped out easily it was a benign cyst but without a proper biopsy there is no way of knowing.