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Vitamins For Dragons

22 11:46:09

Hi John
I have two bearded dragons both are nine years old soon to be ten I worry about how much to give older dragons vitamin and calcium.  I use the rep-cal brand the the Herptivite and the Calcium with Vitamin D3.  I use the Calcium twice a week and Herptivite once a week.  Am I giving them enough or should I give them more supplements someone told me to cut back on the supplements because they are older.  How often should I use the Calcium per week and how often do I use the Herptivite.  Also I worry about not giving enough Vitamin B1 in their food I don't know if collard greens, carrots, and sweet potato has any.  I checked online and some sites say to go to a vitamin store and get a Vitamin B1 supplement and crush it up and give a tiny pinch, but I feel that doesn't seem right since those pills were made for humans, have you tried it before?  Do I need to worry about this or do you think the Herptivite has enough?  I tried looking up what foods has Vitamin B1 but it listed things that dragons don't eat.  His diet is Hornworms, Superworms, Waxworms, Collard Greens, Kale, Turnip, Apples, Sweet Potato, and Carrots.  

Thank you for your time.

I would keep doing the same that you have been in my opinion. If it's not broke don't fix it. I have a few articles which may help as well. Reptile Food Chart
Our Bearded Dragon Book
Calcium and Reptiles
As well as Solving the Calcium Conundrum
These articles will all help with your dragons. I think you're doing awesome as is seen by the dragons living so well :)