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my crested gecko

22 13:31:51

QUESTION: my gecko is shedding allot and is very white. he has not eaten for a while and is very very skinny. when he walks his back legs are on tip toes and he is swaying and wobbling and cannot really walk. then will just lay down. he is not coming out much and sleeps all the time. do you think he is seriously ill?


ANSWER: Hello Adam,

Do you have a picture of your crested gecko?
What type of setup do you have for him?
Based on that description, it sounds like metabolic bone disease possibly or some type of nutritional deficiency.  Are you offering any calcium supplementation for him?
What foods does he eat?
What are the temperatures in his tank, & what type of thermometer do you use?
If his temperatures are incorrect then he will become ill, yes.  I normally recommend a low output UVB light just to help them process & absorb the calcium to help maintain strong bones.
A Reptisun 5 would be fine for him.
What is the humidity in the tank?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is in an 18inch high terrarium i do not use any heat in there as i have always been told crested only live off of room temp. he is above my bearded dragon so he gets a little bit of heat. i use a exo terra dial  thermometer. i can upload a pic tonight. i put down crested gecko diet & mealworms. with limestone flour supplement. the humidity is usually about 80%

ANSWER: Hello Adam,

Well, Crested geckos do need some heating, though minimal.  Are you measuring the temperatures in there?  What is your room temperature at?  
Normally, around 82 or so is fine, no problem.  He would benefit from a little bit more UVB though, that might help him out.  
Great, the humidity is perfect for him then.  
He may just be a little low in calcium & not absorbing it properly without enough UVB lighting.  

The diet looks good, too.  How often do you use the limestone flour for the calcium?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: im not sure of the room temp off hand, i offer the limestone sprinkled on worms or mixed in with crested gecko diet every other day.

Hello Adam,

How is your boy doing today?
Try to take an accurate reading of the room temperature.  He would do well with it being around 80 or so, that should be fine.
Does he have a little dish of the limestone flour in his tank, in case he needs extra calcium he can lick that out of his dish?  
I am wondering if you have looked at his calcium sacs to determine if they are low?  Here is a picture of them for you to see:
