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Our beardie has a bloated body and wont eat

22 14:45:30

We have a 3-4 month old bearded dragon that has been doing 'wonderful' eating veggies out of our hand and lots of crickets everyday.  Two days ago there was a 'big' cricket in the batch that we purchased from the pet-store and against our own better judgement, we let her eat it.  It was about an 1 1/2 inches.  We thought it 'went down' okay, but the next day I noticed her stomach really bloated.  That night I found her lying down (not on her hind legs like she usually does) and we offered her food and now she won't eat.  We soaked her in a warm bath last night for about 20 minutes to see if that would help but today she still looks sick.  Any suggestions before taking her to the vet?

Larger crickets for a baby that age can cause impaction.  She should have been at the vet first thing.  Although the warmish bath was a good idea, that cricket was must larger.  In the future, crickets and roaches should be only as large as the space between the eyes.
 You could also try a drop or two of olove or coconut oil in a dropper to help her poop.