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geriatric fat tail gecko

22 15:01:35

I hope you can help! I have an African Fat Tail Gecko that I got as an adult (egg laying female) in 1997. So I think she is about 10 years old. Until recently she was really healthy and happy, but the past two week she has been going down hill. She hunts crickets but doesn't eat them, her habits have changes (she doesn't sleep inside her log during the day, instead she is sleeping under the bright light, in her water dish), Her tail has deflated and her limbs are very thin. However, her belly is huge. Her eyes are bright and she seems otherwise ok, except for being listless, and not eating. The past two days I have been giving her peach Gerber baby food with vitamins and calcium supplement power mixed in) and she is very happy to lap that up. I have been doing this 4-5 times a day with small amounts each time. I'm not sure if she is not well because she is just so darn old, or if there is something else going on. (Her big belly has me a little concerned). Any ideas? I LOVE this girl and she  means the world to me. Ill do anything to keep her healthy. Any advice at all that you can share with me would be very greatly appreciated.
Best regards,

Dear Michelle,
thank you for your question.
I checked the herp longlevity homepage and African Fat Tail Geckos are listed with 16, 13 and 11 years (
So I think that your gecko might be just plain old, but I'd check with a herp vet anyway. It might be impaction or eggbinding and maybe the vet can help her.
I hope I was of some help to you