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Breeding issue

22 14:13:30

QUESTION: Hello, i have recently asked a question about this, my beardies are both the right age and have everything. i do not need a lecture on that, my question comes in this: last month during the end my female didn't want to mate anymore and i separated them. i have learned a female can hold sperm for a long time but the thing is, she hasn't gained much of any weight but she will like at random times of the day will get lower to the ground, and use one side front and back legs to dig. not pertaining to any certain spot but it is usually the middle. she has been allot more aggressive when people are around her then ever. Randomly when i go in my room and go to pick her up she will threaten me and i mean like the full "ill kill you". the beard, spikes on side, and open mouth not forgetting the small faint hiss. could this be that she is defending her "space" because she will soon develop her eggs? ALSO: she has never acted like this before, also when i do pick her up, on my arm she will start to back up.

Glad to hear they are separated now. As you are seeing, your female sure doesn't want "company" now.
You are correct in that everything she is doing is normal with gravid beardies.  Sometimes, with first time breeders, they can become egg bound with their first batch of eggs, or the eggs aren't fertile. Also, some beardies won't form eggs if they were not brumated in the fall...

gives you a bit more of what to expect. If she is indeed gravid, you should start see the widening belly soon. The only other way to know for sure at what stage eggs are at(or lack of eggs) is an x ray or ultra sound.

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QUESTION: If this is true, i tried to brumate my beardies but i have read around that it is not always have to occur to start the breeding cycle, i am glad to see the chances of her being a mother soon. If she will be, i would like to be positive about her having eggs. She was with another breeder before and it went well with that guy, he had 3 males and 2 females. I also had seen you type x-ray or ultrasound, my parents would probably never get her one because they use the excuse "just a pet". I need to know on average how much an x-ray or ultrasound can be. (DID SHE HAVE TO BRUMATE FOR THE CYCLE TO START?)and if so how long should it be (if she develops eggs) to lay them?

Generally, the cost of an x ray varies... here in PA where I am, for a check up and 2 xrays on one of my iguanas costs about 80$.... It all depends on the vet and where you are located. You can call different vets in your area and they can tell you the cost at their clinic. I'm not sure as to the cost of an ultra sound.
Not all beardies need to brumate for breeding....
With yours, it might have something to do with her being in a new  home...I'm not sure how long they have been with you.

Usually, 4-6 wks after breeding, she will lay eggs...but remember, they can retain sperm.  
Usually its about 3 weeks between their clutches of eggs then.

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QUESTION: I'm not going to get any of the two because around me they are expensive but my mom is looking around for some cheap x-rays. I juts filled my females tank about 3 hours ago full of fresh/new sand and shes digging it out like crazy ill try to get some pictures on here.

Hi Joe,
If she is gravid, you should see some changes in her belly size as the eggs get larger.  Usually, not long before they lay, you will see lumps in her belly.  I know some of the sites I gave you before show pictures of gravid beardies and the lumps. First time breeders may lay smaller clutches of eggs.  Have you read all the information on incubating the eggs, etc?  If not, its important to get your incubator set up well before she lays so that you can get the temperatures and everything correct.  Here is a good site to read up on that.  I'm not sure you know this but, if you don't plan on incubating the eggs from any of the clutches, you need to place the eggs in the freezer for a few days right after they are laid to eliminate any chances of the eggs developing if they are just thrown away in the trash or someplace else. Even eggs that are fertile do not actually have a baby in it until they are incubated.