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My gravid/pregnant leopard gecko

22 14:17:59

QUESTION: i mated her with a giant leopard gecko 77g 10 inch
she is 40g 7 inch
Date mated Nov 28
todays date Dec 27
No diggin has happend, she hasent been in her moist box since she was mated. this is her first time and mine also
she has a moist box with moist sphagnum moss and 2 dry hides, water bowl calcium-d3
she eats 1 pink,about 30 crickets and 15 superworms a week
all with the calcium
the tank stays between 82 - 90
still no eggs. is there something i am missing??
is there something i can do to make her more comfortable??
I have a styrofoam incubator, but i was wounderin, because her tank dont go lower than 82 can i keep the eggs in her tank?? I can put a good cover on the box with a rock so it dont tip over
can the eggs stay in the sphagnum moss??
please answer soon theres not much time

ANSWER: Two questions: Have you removed the male from the tank?  And can you se the eggs in her belly?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, she hasent been in the tank since mating
Sure can see the eggs

Hmmmm, well gestation is 30 days and she's right at that so...  If you are 100% positive as to the length of her gestation AND she hasn't laid by day 33 I would find a vet to give an injection of oxytocin which will induce labor.  I know of no "home remedies" for your situation.