Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > true fire skink sick! please help asap!

true fire skink sick! please help asap!

22 13:27:00

My name is Sarah and i just bought a true fire skink and he is really sweet but i was holding him a little bit ago and he puked up a meal worm i had given him. Is he going to be okay? Im worried he may be sick and i dony know what to do for him. Please please help me.

I'll need more information before I can offer any real insight:
What type of cage he's in, what the temperatures are (exact, not guesses), what type of heating you're using, what the humidity is, how long you have had him, and how often and for how long he's been handled.
(It's possible that stress has upset his stomach--reptiles should not be handled for at least a week after they're moved into a new home).