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Bearded and wasp

22 15:00:57

My friends baby dragon just ate a wasp and was asking me what to do because I also have a dragon but I have no idea... She says she is watching him and he is not doing anything out of the norm.  She said he actually seemed happy that he had caught the wasp.  Just wanted to know if you knew anything on the subject.  

From what I have read and understand, Beardeds do that quite often with no ill effects.  And yep...I've heard that they are ALWAYS rather proud of what they did!
To them, it's an insect..which is fair game and food!!
Keep a close eye on him/her for any problems with swelling or breathing..and of course if something shows up, a fast call to the vet.
It would be a good idea to call the vet to see if they have had any dragons in with a reaction to eating a wasp.