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stressed Whites Tree Frog

22 14:40:58

Hi Tara, I was hoping you could help me with my Tree Frog problem. He's a White's Tree Frog, I got him about 3 months ago when I started attending Mizzou, and he's been living in a 10 gallon tank. He's never had any problem while living in my dorm room, he's very active at night and will chase after 1-2 medium gut loaded crickets every day. He's almost always a bright green and seems very healthy. However, my winter break started on the 14th of December so he's been in my bedroom at home ever since then. At first he was acting normally, but after about week, he would be a brownish color, and wasn't really interested in eating. Then after the first week, he would only eat maybe 2 crickets a week, and was hardly ever his usual green color. I looked up what could be wrong with him and figured that he's stressed from the environment change, but today is January 2nd and he's still not interested in eating at all, he's eaten one cricket in the past week even though I've kept two in his cage with him, and he seems to have gotten much skinnier. I'm pretty sure that it's still just stress because he doesn't have any weird spots or abrasions, but I'm getting really worried about him because he won't eat. Is there anything I can do to help him adjust to this new environment?

Big leafy plants so he can hide and perch.  That is if it's just stress they also act like that when they are having kidney failure which is fairly common in most types of tree frogs in captivity.  Make sure you are changing the water daily and when I keep white's I just use paper towel as substrate and make sure the water dish is large enough for them to  get in and out of.  Not the prettiest but it's clean.  Also make sure it's warm enough in the enclosure.