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white african tree frogs

22 15:08:13


We are doing a project for school and I have to ask an expert.  Here is my question:

I have a couple forgs and they burry themselves under the water dish, why do they do this? Are they really from Africa?  How did they get their name?  Do they eat anything else besides crickets?



Dear Tyler,
thank you for your question.
White's Tree Frogs got their name because a man named John White first described them in 1770 (actually, this was on the voyage James Cook made to explore Australia). Their latin name it Litoria caerulea, caerulea meaning "of blue-green colour". They are also called Dumpy or Smiling Tree Frog.

These frogs originally live in Australia and New Guinea. They eat anything that moves and that fits into their mouth. Crickets, locusts, roaches, baby mice, earthworms, zophobas (superworms), waxmoths, in the wild they even feed on small lizards. They are always hungry, but must not be overfed. White's Tree Frogs can reach an age of 20-25 years in captivity.

I think they might bury under the water dish because the humidity in their enclosure it too low. It should be at least 70%. Or it's too hot or they feel uncomfortable sleeping elsewhere in the tank. Do you offer them places to hide like sturdy plants with big leaves or branches they can sit on?

I hope I was of some help to you