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Sea Turtles

22 13:24:27

Dear Ms. Fernstrom,

I am a Michigan student that has a question for you about sea turtle conservation. Are you for conservation or against it? If you are for it, what would you do to make a difference? and if you are against it why? Please answer as soon as possible.

I can't imagine why anyone would be against sea turtle conservation.  Even shrimpers aren't against conserving sea turtles, they just don't want to have to change their nets.

I think what would make the most difference would be more attention to protecting turtle nesting beaches from development and human traffic, and also protecting the nests from both native and non-native predators (such as raccoons and feral hogs).  I think efforts to rear and release sea turtles should also continue, with more research being done into how to ensure they return to a nesting beach once they are mature.

Logically speaking, these animals must have a way of choosing a new beach.  Islands and beaches are ephemeral, and sea turtles have been around for rather longer than their current nesting beaches have.  As sea levels rise, the turtles will have to find new beaches to nest on.  Determining how they do this will be tremendously valuable to turtle conservation.

As for the oceans themselves, the current boom in jellyfish populations means that food supply is not one of the problems the turtles will be facing, at least for most species.  However, I think some sort of program designed to remove plastics from the ocean should be implemented.  Cleaning up the garbage patch would be a great international conservation project, and would benefit far more than just the turtles.  It's a daunting task, but if an organization were founded, with trawling ships, for that express purpose, and funded by charities, doing something would be far better than the current policy of doing nothing.

As for myself personally, I'm in a landlocked State far from any coast, and I don't have extra funds to give to charities, so beyond the occasional 'giving works' donation through ebay, there is little I can do.