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i found a snake

22 15:01:07

i would like to know what kind of snake this is.
it is about 5 1/2 in long, 1/2 oz, has a black head and a cream color ring at the base of the black, a brown color body and a orange/red belly. all of the snakes we have found like this one are not much bigger. it likes to burrow in the soft dirt around trees.i tried to add a couple of pictures but couldn't if you would like me to send you pictures you can e-mail me.
thank you for your time, sincerely michelle  

Well, if you can either tell me where you're located or what your e-mail address is (All Experts is set up to prevent me from seeing your e-mail address and you from seeing mine) then that'll help with identification quite a bit.  I'll look forward to hearing from you.