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Labour in a 2 1/2 female?

18 12:00:33

I have a 2 1/2 year old female boxer.  We are now on Day 64 and she has been panting since 7am yest morning.   There was a huge "snot like"  coming out of her that was clean and whitish.  The next few hours went by and there was clear "snot" in her urine when she pee'd outside.   Should would pant for about 1 to 1 hour 1/2 and then sleep for another hour and up again.  She stays in the whelping box but then about 8pm she really started panting and digging and its now 3:30am and I haven't seen anything "straw/reddish" stuff come from her butt.    This is her first litter and I was wondering of this is normal.  I know every dog is different but you know when your a "mom" you worry about your babies!   Thanks for your advice and help at this hour in the morning!

Hi Tammy

Is it 64 days from the first or the last mating?

The "snot like" discharge is the mucus plug, a good sign.

Do you have a whelping box for her to deliver her pups?  It should be lined with paper or old towels.   Let her nest and get the area ready.

Panting is her sign that she's in labor.  What you don't want to see is her panting and pushing with no result.  That could be a sign that there is a pup stuck in the birthing canal.

Start walking her every hour.  Put her on a leash and make her walk around the yard to get things moving.   Vanilla ice cream will also help.

Good luck