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Best age to spay dog

19 13:57:09

Hi Kristen,

thanks for your help with my previous question about a choke v prong collar. We got a trainer in to show us how to fit the collar properly and how to use it.

You asked what kind of dog she is, we don't really know as we got her from the animal shelter at the age of 10 weeks and everyone we've spoken to has had a different opinion as to what she is. Clearly she is a mix breed, but we don't know more than that.

We are definitely planning on spaying her, and we have been looking into what age is the best age to do so. We were told by some people to wait until after she's been on heat at least once, to allow her to reach full maturity...and other people told us that spaying before the first heat cycle reduces the chances of her getting cancer. do you have any suggestions?



You're very welcome Deborah. I hope you have good results with her training.

Spaying before the first heat reduces the chance of mammary cancer to almost zero percent, whereas after she has had her first heat, that percentage goes up with each heat. Studies have shown that dogs that were spayed or neutered (speutered) before one year of age tend to grow slightly taller than their intact littermates. This is because the growth plates close earlier in intact animals than speutered animals. She probably will not be a very large dog anyway, so if it were me, I would go ahead and have her spayed before her first heat. Of course, if you'd rather wait until she's closer to a year old, that's completely up to you, but be prepared to clean up the mess she'll most likely create during her heat cycle, which is much like a woman's menstrual period. Also be prepared to keep her in the house at all times, unless you have her outside on a leash, because she will draw the amorous neighborhood dogs to her, and she may also try to run off to be bred. Honestly, I'd just have her spayed now and not have to worry about all of that. It isn't going to hurt her or affect her maturation.
