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Potty problems

19 9:52:57


QUESTION: Hii Okay i have a 6 month old Maltese and i live downtown so the area for her to go is limited unless i walk far, she always used to go right outside and now she hates the area , she like jumps out of it and wont walk to the left of my house in the grass only right. Its really weird, what should i do? Do you think its because of another dog that might use that grass area?

ANSWER: It's possible that there are some scents or odors that she doesn't like.  

Would something like this be a possible solution:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have a grass pad that i keep in the house in the area i lock her in while im gone but it smells very bad and i like to train her to go in the grass for when we are not at my house. Is there a spay or something i could get?

I was under the impression the problem was just with the grass outside your home.  Are you saying she won't go on grass ANYWHERE, such as when you're not at your house?  And, I'm not sure what you are asking as far as getting a spray - a spray for what?