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Schnauzer 60 days pregnant labor question

19 9:26:04

Hello. I have read everything I can find. We have also had
regular vet visits during the pregnancy including an x-ray a
week ago that showed she is having 3 pups. This is her first
pregnancy so I am nervous and anxious. For the past few days
she has been breathing heavier, nesting, urinating a whole
lot more, and doesn't want me out of her sight. Today she
has vomited and had loose stools. She is restless and has
not slept the past two nights. She does not seem to be in
any kind of distress just uncomfortable with her big belly.
Tonight her belly seems to be hardening on and off, possibly
contracting. So my question is, is it normal for her to be
having labor "symptoms" (panting, nesting, stringy
discharge) for 2-3 days or should we go to the vet to be
checked out? The past few nights, I have thought, "okay, we
are going to be having pups tonight" and then nothing. She
was even whiny last night.

Note- I have not been taking her temp. My vet recommends
watching her for signs.

Thanks so much for your help!  

Take her temperature it is the only way you know if she is in trouble if it is yours and hers first time.  If she has gone down to 98/99 and hasn't given birth in 24 hours you could lose her and the pups.  She must be taken to the vet in that case.  Now a few dogs have false labor, but it is rare.  Take her temp, but now I suggest a trip to the vet, in case it went to 98 then she got in trouble and now is back up.