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urinary trac infection

19 14:27:48

my dog is about 48 pounds andis 7 years old and I am woundering how many
milligrams of amoxicillian to give the dog?

Hi Jill,

I am really uncomfortable with self medicating. As a public forum, AllExperts can be very helpful, but I may be liable if I were to play vet.

Did you self diagnosed the condition or did you see your vet? If you did self diagnose there is a chance that you are wrong.

Since urinary tract infections can be caused by a multitude of factors, it is often difficult to discover the cause. The origin of an infection could be as simple as an overgrowth of bacteria or as complicated as bladder stones. A urine culture should be performed 5 to 7 days after completion of the antibiotic course to ensure that urinary tract infection has been eliminated.

I can tell you though, that you should be providing your dog unlimited access to fresh clean water and provide your pet with frequent opportunities to urinate.

I hope you understand my position. Good luck.
