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My dogs agression

19 10:21:49


This is my dog
Hi Shelley!
I have a question for you.
I have a mutt that we rescued about a year and a half ago. I've spent a lot of time with him, mostly several times a day, and I'm am the main person that's spent time training him. So due to this, he has become extremely attached to me. He loves everyone else in the house, but stays right beside me 95% of the time. In the last month, he has become very territorial over the house, and everyone else, especially me. He has started barking loudly and ferociously at anyone that he doesn't recognize. And he's never done this before. Last week, a friend of mine came to the house and he lunged at her and tried to bite her. This had me extremely worried because he has never shown aggression like that towards anyone, hes usually shy, and a very affectionate dog. I'm not sure what to do, because this has never happened before. What do you think?

Hi Sarah,

It's not normal when a normally happy, loving dog is suddenly aggressive for no apparent reason. Any time your dog shows a sudden onset aggression, a veterinary checkup is in order.

The best course of action is to address this problem before it worsens, as aggression issues tend to escalate if left untreated. Use the services of a professional trainer who uses positive reinforcement methods. Get a recommendation from someone who has used the trainer before, ask your veterinarian, or check The Association of Pet Dog Trainers' web site ( to find one in your area.

You can read more about why a dog might suddenly become aggressive here;

Best of luck,
