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Jealousy between 2 shih tzus

19 14:00:12

We have 2 shih tzus dogs, about a year apart in age being 1 and 2.  Both are male dogs and get jealous when one gets attention at any time.  They attack each other.  And one just bit the person between them today.  We have separated them into kennels each time they fight.  But the fighting has not stopped.  We have neutered the youngest because there is 2 females also in the house.  Can you please help me? What else can we do?  Thank you for any help you can give us.  
Nancy and Connie

Hi Nancy;
Best if you neuter the other one too.
Unless you intend to breed, neutering improves their chances for good health in their later years.
It removes the worry of prostate cancer and some other cancers and illnesses.
It really helps add years to their lives. The same is true of spaying females. Prevents breast cancer and others.
One being neutered and one not also affects the relationship between them, and their behavior in general.
The one who is not neutered will feel like he should be alpha over the other one.
This is what this is all about. they are trying to take over. Little dictators in the making. LOl
I put mine in time out for opunishment.
Now, if you use those kennels for them sleeping in them etc, DON'T use them for punishment.
Like putting a child to bed for punishment.
The place they sleep should be a place they associate with rest and calm, and pleasant things, not a place where they get punished, or they will start resisting being sent there to sleep, and then you have another problem.
Time out at my house is the hall bathroom. that is the smallest room in the house. they have a 5X5 area to do nothing but lie on the bathmat, and hear what is going on that they are missing out on.
I also throw a fit!
I grab him/her up and really give  a good chewing out.
I also say, in a really "I MEAN IKT" voice, "I don't allow that !"
My little Lhasa mix is the one of our four that still has to go to time out, occassionally.
He is a little more defiant than the others.
The others, it took one, maybe two times in time out. Max is 7 years old, and he sometimes will jump on one of the others ( because they will not knock his block off), and I have to threaten. Ususlly, all I have to say is ( in a mad voice) MAX! Do you want to go to time out?" and he straightens right up.
My friend has a little Yorkie that she says no to like she is cooing, and he is a spoiled brat. They visit for a couple weeks at a time, about twice a year. Mighty Mite gets along with the dogs well, but we kept a Sheltie that was a year and a half old, that i took as a foster dog, and couldn't part with. He really didn't like a new interloper into his "secons home:, so he attacked, and brought a lot of blood.
Aunt charlotte had enough of that right away, and I grabbed him up, looked him in the eyes and chewed his little butt out, and told him he was going to time out. I left him in there longer than the usual 30 minutes, because he was in a rage, and I wanted him to have time to cool down. whe he came out, he attacked Laddie again, so back he went for a full hour.
When he came out, he has been like Max, ever since. Threaten him with time out, and he behaves right.
Some of these little breeds have a good sized temper in those little bodies, and they have a Napolean complex.LOl
You have to teach them YOU are the alpha. YOU make the rules and they follow, or it goes against their best interest.
Mine hate time out, and so does Mighty Mite.LOl
I think they would rather be beaten than go to time out.LOL
Actually, I think they dislike the nagging more. when I chew them out, I really give them a good tongue lashing.
check into group clases for basic obedience too.
Being in a group class, and seeing that all the dogs do what they are told, for their own good, teaches them a little better that rules are made by mommy and daddy, and the kids have to obey the rules.
The thing is, once he gains dominance over the other male, and the other one accepts it, he will go to work on the females.
This kittke dude is out to rule the house.LOl
He is just trying to be too big for his britches.LOl
Hope that helps a little bit.
Write if you have further questions.