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agressive older dog

19 11:57:04

hi, we have 3 dogs..14 yr. lab mix, 8 yr. lab mix and a 10 mth. lab/pit mix. we have had the 10 mth. old since 8 weeks old. all are males...all are neutered...everything was fine until a couple of weeks ago and the 8 yr. old has turned on the younger dog and wants to fight him everytime he sees him..we are having to keep them separated. they are yard dogs and have a nice 3 acre fenced in area to run and play. the aggression seems to get worse when one of us (humans) are present. the larger dog attacks the 10 mth. old even when he is submissive. the younger dog is not aggressive and only tries to defend himself when attacked. he will bow and turn away when the older dog approaches but still is attacked. we don't know what has happened because they have played and gotten along so well until recently. what could have changed? i am afraid for myself and family because the older dog is so aggressive toward the younger one. everytime he sees the younger dog he starts growling and shakes. the older dog just stays out of the situation. i do not believe the younger dog is trying to take over as leader of the pack. he just wants to run and play. any advice would be appreciated. thanks  

Hi Chris;
It is a mystery why one will change like this, especially when they have not been that way before.
I am going to refer you to a website.
I have used this method of animal massage for years, for all sorts of things.
As a training aid, pain relief, curing fears from thunder etc, excessive barking, aggression etc.
Dogs DO come up with emotional problems too, and if that is the case, the massages will help a great del to even stopping the problem, sometimes with only one massage. Sometimes it requires several.
Go read about the massages, and what can be done with them, and you can order a video from this site to learn to do the massages.
They are innexpensive, and easy to learn from the video, and in my opinion, worth their weight in gold.

That is all I can think of.
In view of the fact that they are all neutered, been together for some times before this started.
You could also check with the trainers at Man's Best Friend, if you have one of thoise near you, or the trainers at Pewtsmart and Petco, for sggestions.
Let me know how this turns out.
I am sorry I can't help more at this time.
Without being able to observe the dogs together, it is very hard to try and make a suggestion.
There are so many reasons they do things like this, and so many remedies, depending on what the root of the cause it.
I think the massages will do the trick, no matter what the cause.