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Thining hair on back/back hair darkening

19 9:52:28


Dogs Back
Please Help!
I have a 4 year miniature schnauzer. I noticed a few days ago that the hair on his back has gotten dark within an 8inch oval. I combed the hair and it came out in clumps. Now i can see through it and see his skin.  I dont know what to try. He is originally a grayish salt and pepper color.

Hair will darken like this when the skin has been "damaged" by something.

Your dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian, who will most likely culture one of the areas to determine exactly what the problem might be. One possible cause could be ringworm, as it will make the hair thin out in sort of a circular pattern, and the new hair will come in darker.

A good medicated shampoo for certain skin infections is KetoChlor by Virbac.