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frightened mineature schnauzer

19 11:16:12

I recently got this beautiful miniature schnauzer she is a year old and has only ever lived in a cage until I got her and she acts so frightened of everything just being out she runs like she is slinking along the floor and at sometimes it is hard to catch her, I got her a bed and she wont leave it, it seems like she feel secure in it. I have been working with her and I was wondering over time will this behavior pass? Or is there something else  I need to do. She acts like she is on edge all the time.

Walk her. I cannot emphasize this enough. Twice daily , briskly at heel. Type alpha boot camp into your web browser , read and learn. Being the alpha in your home will make your girl feel more secure and much more at ease. Meanwhile do NOT increase her fear by petting her and talking to her when she is in an anxious state of mind. This only reinforces her behavior. Let her come to you and reward her when she does. Give her time time lots of time and patience. Try to reward her being adventurous, coming to you, looking up and around. When she does so even if you can only TALK to her give her very soft sweet GOOD GIRL just for LOOKING up or at you. Whatever you do do not chase her. Try to move a crate into whatever room you are in , put her in it and let her just watch. Talk to her as often as you can during that time. And please, seriously, don't let her get into a situation where you are chasing her. That is SO SO important. Right now you need to develop trust so again remember, lots of sweet praise and rewards for even the tiniest of overtures. She will get over this. We've rescued many puppy mill dogs of all ages and breeds, and MOST of them do recover. SOme not completely but at least to a degree that they are living life and not fearing it. You can do this. As soon as she's ready get her into obedience classes. Take her to the doggie park, get her OUT and about. But let her be comfortable in her own home first.