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canine roundworms

19 11:43:39

My 12 week old puppy was dewormed three times at the place where I adopted her and she has expelled roundworms today.  I went to my vet and got some dewormer and have started her on that.  I have two questions.  My vet said to pick up her feces and throw it away so my yard is safe.  How long do I do that.  She is on treatment for three days and again for three days in three weeks.  My other question is can my adult dog and adult indoor cat contract roundworms?  What preventative measures can I take other than the medication the puppy is on, throwing away all feces, and washing our hands alot?  Thank you.


Yes, other pets can contract roundworms from your puppy. You can contract them also - roundworms are referred to as "zoonotic", meaning they can even be transmitted to humans. You should continue disposing of the feces until she has finished her second round of dewormer AND you aren't seeing any more worms. As for preventative measures, if your other pets are on a heartworm preventative like Interceptor or Heartgard, they won't contract an infection. Heartworm preventatives also prevent roundworm, hookworm, and whipworm infections. If not, what you need to do is wash your hands and arms thoroughly after handling the puppy, and promptly remove feces to prevent an infection in the soil that your other dog will pick up. Call your veterinarian if you think your other pets contract it. I am also linking you to an article that may help some explain some of this better.

Hope this helps.
