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Chinese Crested Powder Puff Bald Spots

19 10:39:52

Balding Spots on Chinese Crested Powder Puff
Balding Spots on Chine  
QUESTION: Our Powder Puff is almost 15 months old.  He was neutered when he was 13 months.  He has been to the groomers before and we never noticed any bald spots.  Two weeks after his last grooming we noticed a bald spot on his leg near his tail.  Now, he has about 3 more spots around the same area and they seem to be getting bigger.  I caught him biting at one area today.  The spots look like someone has shaved him, but that is not the case.  The skin does not look irritated or scaly.  He is in a kennel during the day when we are not home.  He has been with us for more than 5 months and this is the first we have noticed any balding.   Both his parent are hairless.  Half of his litter was hairless.   Is it anxiety or normal for his breed.

ANSWER: Hi Tasha-

It is not normal for a powder puff to loose hair in the manner you are speaking of. It sounds like he may have a skin infection or a parasite infection. I would take him in ASAP for a skin scraping. It could be demodex mange, a staph infection or ringworm.

I adore Chinese cresteds, having handled several in the show ring for years- powderpuffs have amazing personalities! I would like to mention that it's highly unlikely that both his parents are hairless- hairless is a dominate gene in cresteds and if you breed two hairless together you will only get hairless dogs. It also can result in terrible defects and death of the entire litter, because the same gene that causes the hairless also is lethal when homozygous. It is quite possible you have what is called a "hairy hairless" which when left unshaved, can almost look like a fully coated powderpuff, but doesn't have the double coat. (Hairless cresteds are not always completely hairless and most people will shave the hair down to get the classic "pony" look... they can be anything from almost entirely hairless to hairless with the "crest" and feet furnishings, to a very hairy hairless) If you send me more pictures of him, I may be able to help you!

I hope he feels better soon! Thanks for the question!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Buddy\'s Face
Buddy's Face  
QUESTION: Oh, he's pretty hairy!  I know the father is hairless and the mother looks pretty hairless also.  He is from the first litter and half were hairless, half powder puffs (7 puppies).  The 2nd litter produced the same and one of the puppies is half and half (poor thing!)  Here's another pic of our hairy little Buddy.

It is very difficult to tell with him groomed, LOL with the schnauzer cut he looks like a schnauzer! Were all the pups drop eared? Where did you get him? This is an example of a few correct powder puffs. (champions owned by my mother a profesional crested handler/breeder and president of the Chinese Crested Club, and a friends dog, also a champion) (A thinner, puppy coat)
[ true hairless with exceptional furnishings) (true hairless puppy)

A hairy hairless can have any degreeing amount of hair and almost look like a powderpuff, but will have a thin coat. This is a hairy hairless with extra hair along the nape and back and sides.

And this is a very hairy hairless who if left ungroomed, will look almost like a puff:

The only reason I mentioned this is because if both of his parents are hairless, I'd be concerned if you were planning to breed him. If you do plan to breed him, and you feel he is actually a hairy hairless do not breed him to another hairless, which would result in a 50% fatality of the litter, or dead puppies in the womb causing the mother to die. If you are not planning on breeding or he is neutered, it really doesnt matter, I am just curious! He is a very cute boy!