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Clipping Nails

19 14:11:41

I have a 4 month old Jack Russel and Who Knows mix.  As with all puppies, she has very sharp nails, even though she spends quite a bit of time out of doors. They don't seem to be wearing down.
Since I live alone, it is very difficult for me to cut her nails on my own.  She squirms like an eel.
Other than taking her in every couple of weeks to a groomer just to get her nail cuts, do you have any ideas on how I can keep her still, so I can just cliip them here at home?
Any ideas would be great.  Thanks.

Hello Angela, sorry for the delay.  Yes it is difficult holding a dog alone and clipping at the same time.  Here is a hold that may help. first of all have a table tall enough so that the dog is at your rib cage.  Hold the dog next to your rib cage with her head facing your rear and her rear facing your front.  Your arm is over the dogs back with your elbow pinning the dog against your side.  Pick up each paw in the same manner as if you were shoeing a horse.  This eliminates the dog pulling and you playing tug a war, and it keeps her head away from the nail clippers.  This way you are clipping the nails upside down, but you can still see the nail and see if you are near the quick.  This position also restrains the dog.  Hopefully she is smart and will notice the more she struggles the tighter your elbow pins her and the less she struggles you relax some.  This would be the only way to actually hold the dog and clip at the same time.  If you do not have a table high enough use the top of your dryer or washer, but first place a rubber matt on top to prevent her from sliding around on the slippery surface.  A rubber matt you would use in a bath tub or kitchen sink will do.  good luck, Cindy Lou :)