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infertility in border collie

19 10:00:36

hi.i have a female border collie,she is just going on 3years. she came into heat twice but hasnt again in nearly 2years.we realy wanted to have puppies from her as she is such a lovly looking and great temperd dog but its not looking likely.would you know why shes not getting a period or is there anything we can do to check if she is infirtile.thank you

Dear Gillian,
I have known this to happen twice before and both times in later years there was a problem.  I would take her to a specialist in this area and have her checked out.   Also, periodically do a BUN blood test on her to check her kidneys.
Sometimes a hormone shot will correct this condition.  They also have shots that can be given to try and get her to come into heat.  
I hope this helps.  If you are in the country, get a vet that knows about breeding animals,, if in the city you can get a specialist.