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Dog aggression towards puppy

19 9:45:47


The father and his pup
My older dog is an American Pitbull Terrier who is fairly dominant towards other dogs but not really aggressive. For example, at the dog park he usually wanders around by himself and there is only a problem if another dog comes up and REPEATEDLY tries to dominate him, AFTER he has walked away.  I recently bred him and he produced a littler of 7 puppies and I picked a male to keep.  They are great 99% of the time they play all day (there is another 10 wk old pup in the household and they all play together). however, The older dog gets very possessive over toys that are not his and food.  He will growl at HIS 7 wk old puppy until corrected.  Today the puppy was trying to play with him while he chewed on the toy and the older dog attacked him and bit him leaving puncture wounds in the pups face, neck, and chest.  This is the only time he is aggressive, but as soon as you verbally correct him he backs off and regains a submissive position.  How can I stop these attacks all together?

These articles may give you some suggestions, but if you intend to keep both of these dogs, you may want to have one or both neutered.