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rhodesian ridgeback; estrus question

19 9:23:53

our rhodesian ridgeback puppy bitch turned one on January 5th, 2011... she went through her 1st heat; all went normal; bleeding, discharge, about 3 weeks worth, our male went insane as you would expect and was driving us crazy; whining, wimpering, and drooling, trying to mount, and about 3 weeks later all was done... life went back to normal, no problems... so anyways, now it's march 23rd, about 2 months since her cycle has been over, and she's not bleeding or discharging again, she's acting completely normal really, maybe a little more licking of herself, but he's going absolutely nuts again just like she was in heat again; sniffing at her, licking, trying to mount her, whimpering and whining, etc... now i know RR's only have one heat cycle per year, so i was wondering if this was something else normal in regards to hormones and such, and if so, just exactly what it is that's causing it so now i know... not so much a concern, just seems "odd" though, and i want to make sure there is no cause for concern...

I don't mean to frighten you, but I want you to immediately pull her vulva open and see if there is a thick clear or milky discharge.  If not, ok  she may have a bladder infection that is making a bloody smell.  If she has that thick milky puss like discharge, you can't get her to the vet soon enough as she could have an infection in her uterus which is life threatening and it may come down to hours to save her.  
As I say I don't mean to frighten, but I am well aware of things like this.  Please check and get back to me ok?
If there is no discharge at all, get a urine sample and take it to the vet so he can check for a bladder infection.