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My dogs feet

19 9:18:40

My dog is contsantly biting her paws. All four of them! They are starting to turn red and look like they are going to bleed soon. Should I be worried? I've never seen her do this before. Shes been doing it for about 2-4 days now. So what do you think?

Hi Allison,
Yes a little worried.  It could be one of the following:

She got into a bed of insects and got stung or bitten.

She walked in fertilizer which is giving her an allergic reaction or has burned her toes.

She has gotten a yeast infection from dampness in the soil.

She has gotten a bacterial infection from something.

Lastly, she has picked up a dog problem, possibly mange, or ticks or fleas.

You will have to take her to a vet to see which one it is because not all of the above have the same remedy.

Let me know which one she had, ok?
Thank you