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Saint Bernard Pup

19 11:26:09

My pup is 18 weeks old and neutered. About 4 weeks ago he started scratching his neck really bad and he got it infected. I took him to the vet and they gave him a steroid shot, anti., shampoo. I did this for 2 weeks and he got better, but he started doing it again. He also has little red bumps on his stomach and legs. The vet said he had an allergic reaction. We put him outside. To see if it was something in the house that was bothering him. If you have any suggestion, please e-mail me.
Thank You...

Get him on a fish and potatoa dog food...and no sadly you cant get it in puppy but if hes suffering put him on fish adnpotato food anyway...its hyo allergtic and works wonders for my two small dogs with allergies. Avoid using strong cleaners in his bedding/dryer sheets keep dust and other stuff floating in the air to a minimum by buying a cheap air purifier and vacuming more often...avoid giving table foods and avid bathing him very often and when yuo do bath him use a itch relife dog shampoo perferbily with aleo and oatmeal. Some dogs are allergitc to things outside...a common one is grass.