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Lab temper

19 14:32:41


could you tell me a bit about the labs temper?

Lab personalities vary greatly.  Some are as soft and manageable as a Golden.
Others are very strong willed and can take hundreds of corrections for
problem behaviors. Those same ones are very good at staying on task when they
have been trained.  Those dogs will excel in obedience and
agility competition. Most Labs are friendly to both new people and dogs.
Sometimes they can be overwhelming.  Much of this depends on their early
socialization.  Your dog will be like its parents and also be
the result of its early socialization.  The more new experiences your dog has and people it meets before it is 3 months old, the more comfortable it will be around people and new places.  

As much as Labs vary, many do share some things at least to a degree.  They are friendly to other dogs and people.  They like rough play.  They are bad about chewing anything they can get their teeth on, other dogs, leashes, your hands, furniture, books, houseplants, sticks, clothing, etc.  They eat readily, perhaps greedy is a better word.  Unfortunately that lead people to over feed them, creating obese, short lived dogs.  Surprisingly some of mine have not like to swim, but they are messy drinkers, splashing water all over and caring it away in their mouth.  They love fetch and tug of war.  What ever they do, it is with enthusiasm.  With my 13th Lab now, I have seen the exception to all of these.