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Ring worm

19 13:35:32

Is there a local store that I can go to, to purchase over the counter meds for my dogs ringworm. and if so? Where?
Thank you Andrea

Hi Andrea,
I'm not sure, but I think Walmart does.  Or you can do this:
mix one part bleach with six parts water. Put PLAIN vaseline in your dogs eyes to protect them. If your dog is small, just lower him into a bucket of this mixture. If it is a large dog, put him into a tub, take a wash cloth and wet him down good all over wiht this mixture.  Your dog may only have a spot or two but ringworm spreads so you need to treat the whole body.  This bleach mixture will KILL the ringworm.  You can also dab it directly on the spot in between baths. Do not rinse off.  Do this twice a week for a few weeks and it should get rid of it.  If not, repeat.
God Bless,