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Puppy hates being alone.

19 9:33:04


Me and Toby
Our jack russel is extremely cuddly and likes lots of human contact. We are very concerned that he will pine when we return to school/work in two weeks time. Also, we are unsure about whether to leave him in the cage he sleeps in when we are gone, or to put up a puppy gate, allowing him to roam the utility room. If we do that, will he soil and urinate all over the floor? HELP! Thank you x

Hello Laura,
you didn't tell me how old your puppy is, but I will go by the picture you sent.  I see he is little.   I would gate him in the utility room, and yes he will mess, so put down puppy pads and his bed.    If you put him in his cage he won't be able to hold it all day and he will start to go in his cage.  YOU DON'T WANT THAT AT ALL.
You don't want him to learn to dirty his sleeping area, you want him to stay clean.  Take him out before you go to school and the second you get home take him out again.  As his bladder gets stronger he will go less and less in the house.  Put down several pads and eventually you can work it down to one, slowly as he finds the favorite pad.  
Keep training him for outside as well
Get him a couple of toys that you can put treats in so he will be kept busy.  Also a large flat fluffy toy,  there is a camel and moose toy out there that is very furry and they seem to like that.  If you can rub your hands on the furry toy that would be even better.
ok good luck hon.  let me know how things go