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Leaving dog home alone

19 11:25:33

I have a 5 yr old female boxer. I had had a problem with her barking when I left her home alone, which we worked on and have corrected completely. My neighbor has informed me that she now cries when I am away. I set up a video camera and found that she will pace around the apartment and cry off and on. She will not relax the entire time she is alone. My question is, is there a way to get her to stop crying and relax while I am away?

Have you tried leaving a tv or radio on for her? Many dogs are comforted by the sound of a human voice. You can also leave her some smart toys. Kongs filled with treats etc, something she has to work at to get the treat from. Anything to occupy her brain and her body. Also make SURE she is getting plenty of exercise. Twice daily strenuous walks, and at least a few times a week something to make her TONGUE hang out. Playing fetch until she drops, letting her run, swimming, working on a treadmill. These are high energy working dogs and need to vent some of that energy somewhere.  Otherwise, they play with their minds too much :)