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Cant get boxer to leave paw injury alone...

19 10:06:21

I have a 4 year old boxer who recently was to the vet to remove a skin growth on her back left paw. I change the bandage twice a day and put a sock over the top and tape it on. I've even put the bitter spray stuff on the sock too, but it doesn't last long. We've put her in a cone too. When I leave I fill her Kong toy with peanut butter and what ever else I can find, but I can not get her to leave it alone. As soon as I walk out the door she is at it. I take her with me when I can but I have three kids to take care of too sometimes she can't come along. We've been to the vet and all they tell me is to take care of it and it will take longer to heal when she messes with it. She goes back to the vet today to have what few stiches are left removed. I'm at a lost. I don't want her to loose her foot. Do you know of any kind of plastic boot I could put on it? ANy idea would be welcomed.

Hi Liz,

Any kind of dog bootie can be used to protect your dog's foot so she can't get at the bandage. Rather than ordering on-line, a pet store, or sporting goods store that sells gun dog supplies would be likely places to find dog booties.

Here are examples:

There are also dog boots specially made to protect wounds:;jsessionid=9D44E32184AD7D40D4CD93A348...

If your dog is persistent, the bootie alone may not prevent her from picking at the wound area. You may need to "double up" and use a bootie and also use a cone-collar.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
