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cold shaved dog

19 14:07:51

I just got my shih-tzu groomed/shaved down because he was so matted. Now I notice him shivering all the time. I put a sweater on him, i have to wrap him in blankets, and I even put a jacket on him when he goes outside. Is he going to get used to being shaved? Should I continue to warm him until he grows hair? Should I just shave him in the summer? Is there anything else I could do?

Hi Janine,
Yes, I would wait for warmer weather before shaving him again.  It would be like you going outside without a coat in cold weather, or nothing at all! I would continue to keep sweater on him, but be sure he doesn't get too hot or he will develop hot spots under the sweater.  check his skin daily.  There's nothing wrong with shaving him down,just wait til it's warmer next time.

God Bless,