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Wood Chip Distress

19 11:37:42

We have a 7 month old Golden Retriever puppy.  We recently had some landscaping done in our backyard that included the red wood chips around the perimeter.  Needless to say, he ate a whole bunch of them and has been throwing up.  Is this something that is we should take to the vet for.  It has only been a day but need some expert advice. Thank you!

Well. Are they coming out when he vomits or uses the bathroom.  If not then you may have to go to a vet.  Usually things like this come out in vomit,  our dog used to love eating bottle caps,  and plastic bags!!!  They always came back out though, and we had no real crisis. I know it's disgusting, but have a look and hopefully the wood chips are coming up.

Good luck.  I hope everything turns out OK for him,  the silly pup!!  :-)