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Puppy Elimination

19 11:44:10

We have an 8 week old, male, Cavachon puppy (mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon).  He's already taken to his crate and we've had good success taking him outside to poop.  However, we've had almost no success getting him to pee outside.  He only seems to want to pee indoors and we can't seem to catch him in the act.  As far as I can tell, he gives little to no warning when he has to pee, whereas when he has to poop, he sniffs around and walks in a circle.  We're wondering if we should consider trying to train him to pee on a pee pad or some newspapers.  Is it ok to have your dog pee inside and poop outside?

Hi Adam;
When he wakes, he will have to empty his bladder right away, whether it is from a long sleep or a short nap.
After he drinks water, and if it has been an hour or so since he went.
He is a very young baby, and has very little control over his organs yet.
So be patient, and watch him as close as you can, take him out as soon as he wakes up, and after he drinks, and when you take him out to do his business, wait until he does eliminate. Wait him out, he can't outlast you, not at this young age.
Wheh he goes outside, throw a fit like he is the smartest, sweetest, best, loveliest, little dear in the world. Pet himn, telling him what a sweet baby he is and how proud you are of him. Have a very pleasant ( bordering on sappy) voice to express joy with him. Scold in a sharp tone when he goes where he is not supposed to.
Right now, at his age, it is up to you to knw when he has to go out. Expecting hiom to potty train and never have accidents in the house, at his age, is like expecting a human baby to stop wearing diapers and be potty trained at 3 months.