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Large dog with possible poison ivy

19 9:33:55


My poor dog has led a rough life to date. Survived parvo that brought on skin mites due to low immune system, stomach issues etc. and he's only 1 1/2 years old. He currently has all of his vaccinations and is on heart worm preventative and Frontline. Over the past 2 weeks he has developed a severe skin irritation (possibly poison ivy) and is chewing himself raw. He weighs 80#'s and it's difficult to bathe him under the best of circumstances let alone put him in something big enough to soak. I love him very much and is basically my child. I am desperate to stop his suffering, but unfortunately do not have the extra funds at this time for a vet visit. I am saying he possibly has poison ivy because I spotted some out by his running area today. What can I do since I can't soak him in an oatmeal bath?
Thank you in advance for your help!!!
P.S. He is a very spoiled house dog that only goes out for a couple of hours a day.

He may be suffering from Skin you mentioned he has a systemic immune diffency.
This will be an ongoing issue, especially when the pollen season kicks in.
The only thing you can do is use a Cortisone based product...and give him an antihistimine like a Benadryl product to keep the inflammation down. Use the Children's dose to closest to his weight.
There are Emu Oil products out there that will help with the itchy and inflammed skin areas...but, this will be an ongoing issue with his genetics being the culprit!
Best of Luck, and hope you can keep him comfortable...Not an easy job.