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Benydril for Hot Spots

19 9:33:54

I took my Pomeranian to the vet for treatment of "Hot Spot".  He gave him a shot of steroid "Depomedrol".  My question is , can I give him Benydril to help with the itching?  I just want to make sure the combination of antibiotic (Clavamox), steroid (Depromedrol), and Benydril are ok.

  Benadryl is a brand name for an anti-histamine (diphenhydramine).  Although it is considered safe for use in dogs, know that as with most medications it does have a potential to have an adverse side effect.  Further complications can be suffered if your dog is currently on other medications so it highly recommended that you contact your veterinarian before medicating your dog. Other complications may arise in glaucoma, prostatic disease, cardiovascular disease or hyperthyroidism affected animals.

Benefits of Benadryl
Stops itching
Calms nausea and helps relieve vomiting
Helps control motion sickness
Can be used as a mild tranquilizer
Great for after vaccination reactions
Good for bee stings and insect and even snake bites

Only use NON FLAVOR BENADRYL for your dogs and only in pill or capsule form (never liquid)

Dosage every 8 hours
Dogs under 30 lbs :  10 mg
Dogs 30-50 lbs:  25 mg
Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg

As far as combination of drugs you must ask your veterinarian.