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Dog breed confusion

19 9:14:12

photo of Toby 1
photo of Toby 1  

photo of Toby 2
photo of Toby 2  
Hi :D So I have a terrier of about 7 months old and I wanted to know if he was a rat terrier or a fox terrier or even a mix of those 2. In my country, most of the fox terriers I have seen (my uncle had some when I was a kid and in newspaper's announcement) looked very similar. I am bit confused right now because I have looked at photos of fox terriers on the internet and most of them didn't looked like mine. I have asked my vet and he says he's a fox terrier. I tried asking on Yahoo Answer and most people told me he was a mix. So, if you could help me with this, I would be very grateful :D Thx in advance.


Thanks for the question.I agree with your vet, I see a fox terrier. I even looked at a bunch of pics of fox's and rat's and i see a fox terrier. The ears on your dog are v shaped and that would tell us it is a fox.Most fox terriers are 6.8 - 8.6 kg as adults and the rats are 6 to 16 kgs if he gets bigger then 8.6 kg i would be wrong.He has a great face...really good markings.

  Enjoy your new baby.
