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How Rottweilers Run?

19 11:39:41

I have a 6 month old Rottweiler. When he runs, it's as if he's struggling to reach his max speed. It doesn't look "fluid". I was wondering if this is just how Rottweilers naturally run or if I should be concerned and take him to the vet?

Rottweilers are susceptible to structural problems such as hip and elbow dysplasia, malformations of the joints that can cause crippling, and osteochondrosis (OCD), a bone and cartilage problem. They may also be subject to panosteitis, an intermittent lameness cause by varying bone density in young dogs.

Hip and elbow dysplasia are genetically carried malformations. Dogs that are dysplastic are likely to produce dysplastic puppies. Breeding stock should be x-rayed to rule out the presence of dysplasia; buyers should be sure to ask if the sire and dam of a litter have been rated clear of hip dysplasia by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or PennHIP before looking at the puppies.

Sadly this is probably what your dealing with.